Are you ever ready?
You can either bleat or you can make a decision. What will you do?
- King Alfred, The Last Kingdom
During my yearly rewatch of my favorite show, The Last Kingdom, I came across an amazing, pivotal scene in the third season. The ailing King Alfred leads his men into battle with his son, Prince Edward the heir, by his side. Prince Edward has promised to bring reinforcements to Uthred, a man the king doesn’t like nor wishes to aid. But Prince Edward has given his word, although it wasn’t his place to do so.
As they arrive on the battlefield, King Alfred refuses to engage and enter the battle. Using the opportunity as a chance to teach his son a lesson about bravery, seizing the moment, and making the hard decisions of a king. While his group holds their position, Uthred and his men are being attacked on all sides, losing people as the seconds pass. Instead of issuing the command to charge and enter the battle, King Alfred wisely lets Prince Edward squirm in his seat fearing the battle could be lost if he does not act. The tension and anxiety is palpable. Should he charge into battle against his father’s wishes? Is it the right decision? Will he be embarrassed in front of the King? What if they lose? Is he worthy of taking the mantle from such a great man? Is he ready? It’s an amazing scene full of emotion and a coming of age moment for the young prince.
Which made me think of the topic for today’s blog post.
Are you ever ready?
Opportunities often come when we least expect them or when we don’t feel the most prepared for them.
You get a great job offer or client opportunity and it feels way beyond your ability at that current stage in your development. A part of you says, “I don’t think my skills are quite up to the task as of yet.” That voice is both rooted in logic (your skills probably aren’t quite there) and fear (you fear a less than stellar outcome, embarassing yourself and disappointing clients in the process). But as history has shown us, many people seize those rare opportunities and the skill is developed in the midst of the fire. They rise to the occasion despite their perceived limitations and fears.
Muhammad Ali vs. Sonny Liston by Neil Leifer
© Neil Leifer. All rights reserved.
I’m a huge fan of boxing and I’ve seen countless scenarios where contenders, young and old, get thrown into the fire with an opportunity to face the champion. Pundits and boxing vets alike are all chiming in saying the fighter isn’t ready for such an opportunity. Everyone braces for the worst, that the underdog fighter will get clobbered. But, despite the gap in experience/accomplishment, the fighter rises to the occasion pushing the champ like never before and in many scenarios, winning. Muhammad Ali vs. Sonny Liston comes to mind. Or Rocky Balboa vs. Apollo Creed in the fictional Rocky film.
The stress and expectation of projects outside of your skill level forces you to focus like never before. To sweat the details. To refine areas you’d normally skim over. It’s like being “in the zone” and tapping into another level of your brain. You have to be “on”. Some will wilt at the pressure. Pressure bursts pipes as they say. Yet, in my opinion, if you really want it, you’ll steel your resolve and push through.
Are you ever ready? Sometimes.
There are times where your skills will be at such a level you’re like “Bring it on!”, whatever the challenge. You’re at the peak of your power. Battle tested. And there will be times when you’re not feeling your best or quite there yet and an opportunity falls in your lap.
What will you do? Take it and seize the moment? Show the world what you’re made of? Or shirk away from the opportunity?
You’re probably not ready, but if you pass on the opportunity, you’ll never know if you are. Fate favors the bold.
My advice, take it. Damn being prepared. The moment may not come again.
Till next time.